The Edward Thomas Poetry Competition 2025 and 2024 Results PageEdward Thomas Fellowship Poetry Competition 2025, the Edward Cawston Thomas prize.Poems, unpublished, are invited on any subject but of no more than forty lines.Closing date 3rd November 2024.The judge will be the prize-winning poet Jane Draycott.Prizes:1st prize £250, two further £ 100 prizes. Up to six poems highly commended. Winners welcome to read at AGM on 2nd March 2025 at Steep, Hampshire.Fees £3 per poem with a maximum of three.Email entries only: Word document, single attachment per anonymised poem ( & please mention payment method.)Surname A- K:, to Barbara Kinnes, bjkinnes@gmail.comSurname L-Z to Margaret Thompson, margthompson01@gmail.comFee preferably by Bank Transfer to the Fellowship’s account:Bank: HSBC; Account Name: The Edward Thomas Fellowship; Sort Code: 40-08-21; Account No 11250205; using initial and surname as Reference, Competition as Description, or with PayPal as follows: No of poems entered One Poem £3.00 GBP Two Poems £6.00 GBP Three Poems £9.00 GBP The Fellowship has published two anthologies of previous winning poems from the competition covering the period 2017-2022. Titled A Nest of Singing Birds and Another Nest of Singing Birds these are available to buy from the Fellowship – either online or at the Edward Thomas Study Centre in Petersfield. More details and purchase information are available here. _________________________________________________________________________The Edward Thomas Fellowship Poetry Competition 2024, Edward Cawston Thomas Prize: Results and Judge’s ReportWe are pleased to announce the names of the winners of the 2024 Competition, judged by the award- winning poet Jane Draycott. As usual we have a First prize, with two equal Second prizes, followed by six Highly Commended poems. There were just over three hundred poems entered and our thanks to everyone who entered and warm congratulations to the winners.The three winning poems are published below, followed by Jane Draycott’s report and appreciation of those winning poems, with details of those Highly Commended appearing afterwards.A link to 2023 and previous years results is available at the bottom of this page, after the 2024 section.—————————————————————————————————-The Winner of First Prize of £150 is Alesha Racine for ‘Rowan.’——————————————————————————————————–Joint Second Prizes of £75 are awarded to Catherine Mehta for ‘Caught’CaughtIt looked so small lying there on the stone seat by the front door and the lemon balm.I thought it would be bigger as I cupped it gently in the palm of my hand and perhaps heavier given its daily toil.I thought it would be black as black as ink but it’s closer to soot with a tinge of brown like an old black cat.But the softness softer than a dandelion clock or the wisps of Old Man’s Beard or the fine down of a gosling not yet three days old.Eyes tight shut long yellow stained teeth like a hardened smoker its tiny nose the palest dog rose pink.‘Finally caught the bugger,’ my Grandpa said as he opened the door ‘no more mole hills for that one, knew you’d like a look.’—————————————————————————————-And to Carson Wolfe for ‘A Quantum Physicist Teaches Me The Observer Effect’ A QUANTUM PHYSICIST TEACHES ME THE OBSERVER EFFECT He sketches a diagram of electrons pinging across the page the act of observing changestheir behaviour he says searching my eyes for shared fascinationMy mother once called a man to fix our washing machine Put me in frontof Pingu with a cup of blackcurrant juice Later I saw her through a crack in the doorbeing kissed so hard her shoulders slumped and her bra straps fell downI throw back another shot of tequila steady myself against his bookshelfdizzied by the Periodic Table framed above the mantle its elementsrearranging The debt between us closing in His midnight rescuethe simmer of NO VACANCY my three year old heavyon my hip she sleeps now shut in the spare roomhe opens the eye of a telescope to show mehow beautiful it is a star imploding__________________________________________________________________ Edward Thomas Fellowship Poetry Competition 2024 – Judge’s ReportIn a year when immediate world events and further longer-term crises figure so prominently in the shared consciousness, it’s perhaps not surprising to discover so many of the entries to the competition trying to find ways to speak about fragility, destruction and loss. Much of Thomas’s own poetry is quietly charged with that same consciousness, as expressed so memorably in his poem ‘The Owl’ – the bird’s cry telling me plain what I escaped/ And others could not. Several excellent poems, including the shortlisted and prize-winning entries, also evoked in their many different ways a strong sense of scene and of human presence in it, simultaneously detailed and associative, as if searching for understanding about how individual and personal experience might relate to what we observe as the non-human universe.The first prize winner ‘Rowan’ brilliantly uses an inventive, sensuous association of mythological narratives to create a richly detailed and wonderfully mysterious account of thrushes which seems to be simultaneously a dramatisation of both folklore and the biblical tale of Eve and of female ‘obedience’ The two second-prize winners this year were both very strong contenders and I was grateful for the competition’s offering of a double second award, which both of these poems richly deserve. ‘A Quantum Physicist Teaches Me the Observer Effect’ very skilfully works a striking sense of chronology and scale into its poignant account of the narrator’s continuing experience of powerlessness – a homeless parent with their child ‘rescued’ by a physicist, the poem’s narrowing arrangement on the page accelerating our reading as the moment for repayment closes in. In rather similar ways, the journey from the opening line to the poem’s moment of arrival in ‘Caught’ – describing the narrator’s recollected first close-up encounter with a dead mole – is paved with brilliant and immediate observational detail whilst at the same time conjuring a subtle sense of the scene’s crucial moment in a longer narrative of growing understanding.In all three winning pieces, coincidentally, a second figure beyond the ‘I’ of the narration hovers significantly at the edge of the scene – in every case, a powerful evocation of the centrality of human relationship to individual experience. Reading all these poems, hearing the voices in them, has reinforced that understanding in me even though sadly as always only a few can make it to the final selection.JD Feb 2024Highly Commended Rachel Burns – Swan UppingOliver Comins – ‘spring guns and mantraps on these premises’Zoe Green – CianalasRoisin Leggett – MorningCaroline Maldonado – MudlinesLynda Plater – Dusk at MarthamPrevious Years’ reports and winning poemsReports and winning poems from 2023 previous years may be viewed and read by following this link initially.