John Clare Society Study Day

Helpston Village Hall 7 West Street, Helpston

The John Clare Society are hosting a joint Study Day with the Edward Thomas Fellowship at Helpston, near Peterborough. The title for the day is "Two Roads Converge" and will take place at Helpston Village Hall, 7 West Street, Helpston, Near Peterborough, PE6 7DU. Arrival and registration is between 9.30 am and 10.00 am.

Edward Thomas Fellowship Virtual Study Day – 12 June 2021

Online Event

Fellowship members Matthew Oates and Guy Cuthbertson and the author and poet William Wootten are participating in an Edward Thomas Fellowship Virtual Study Day on Saturday 12 June 2021. The format for the day will be: 10:15 am - Introduction to the day and the first speaker 10:30 am - Speaker - Matthew Oates 11.45 am - Speaker - Guy Cuthbertson 1.00 pm (approx) - Break 2.00 pm - Speaker - William Wootten 3.15 pm (approx) - Close This is a ticketed events and tickets are available to purchase through Eventbrite ( As we are delivering the event through the Fellowship's Zoom account, ticket sales are initially being limited to 100 and are priced (for Fellowship members) at £10 each for the whole day or £5 per event. Non-member tickets are priced at £20 and £10 respectively. The topics for each speaker will be: Matthew Oates will talk about and…

£5 – £20

Annual Birthday Walk – 18 July 2021

Bedales School Church Rd, Steep,, Petersfield, United Kingdom

The Edward Thomas Birthday Walk will take place at 10:30 am on Sunday 18th July 2021. Owing to current Government Covid restrictions it will be limited to 30 pre-registered participants. Further details are available on the Annual Birthday Walk page.

Edward Thomas Literary Festival – 2021

Planning is now underway for the 2021 Edward Thomas Literary Festival. This will take the form of 'live' and 'digital' events between Monday 27 September and Sunday 3rd October 2021. The Festival is being run in conjunction with Petersfield Museum. Details will appear on their website in due course as participants are confirmed. Events during the week commencing 27 September are likely to be mainly evening sessions. From Friday there will be sessions during the day. Saturday will be a full day of talks and readings, culminating in a joint session with the Robert Frost Society in America and the Edward Thomas Fellowship. Sunday is an additional day added for 2021. As it coincides with the inauguration of the Memorial Stone on the Shoulder of Mutton (2 October 1937) there will be a walk to the Memorial Stone in the morning (the rare photographs below show it being installed a…


The Edward Thomas Literary Festival 2021

Petersfield Museum Petersfield Museum, Petersfield, Hampshire, United Kingdom  

Edward Thomas in Words and Music

All Saints Church, Steep, GU32 2DF Church Road, Steep, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Everyone is invited to attend this event at All Saints Church, Steep, GU32 2DF on the evening of Saturday 5 March 2022, starting at 7 pm. Tickets are £15 each and may be ordered through or, if you live in or near Petersfield, in person from One Tree Books, Lavant Street, Petersfield. If you are travelling down for the weekend please do not forget to visit the Edward Thomas Study Centre at Petersfield Museum, which is open during the day on the 5th.
