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Annual Birthday Walk 2025 and Fellowship AGM

March 2 @ 10:15 am - 5:00 pm GMT


The Edward Thomas Birthday Walk will take place on Sunday 2nd March 2025

Please register in advance for either of the walks and / or the AGM through Ticket Tailor by following this link.

Participants should assemble in the car park of Bedales School, Church Road, Steep, GU32 2DG for a safety briefing. Members of the fellowship will read appropriate poems and prose during the walks. There will also be opportunity for participants to volunteer for a reading. The theme for the day will be ‘Edward Thomas and Robert Frost’ and will include poems and readings from both Thomas and Frost.

A draft timetable is given below:

10:15 am Arrival and safety briefing (in Bedales School car park)

10:30 am Start of morning walk (a fairly strenuous 5 miler, which will include a visit to the memorial stone on the Shoulder of Mutton Hill and Berryfield Cottage – with kind permission of the owners)

1:15 pm Lunch in the Reading Room, Bedales School (please bring your own packed lunch and drink)

2:30 pm Start of afternoon walk (a short 2 mile walk around Steep village, departing from Bedales School car park, which will include a visit to Yew Tree Cottage – with kind permission of the owners)

3:45 pm Birthday Tea in Steep Church (available at a modest cost to support church funds)

4 pm AGM of the Edward Thomas Fellowship in Steep Church

4:45 pm Close of meeting and departure

We would also advise walkers to read the Health and Safety procedure on the Edward Thomas Fellowship website. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear (walking boots or sturdy trainers).

All those participating in the walks do so at their own risk.

Parking and toilet facilities will be available at Bedales School throughout the day.

Any major changes to the programme will be sent out nearer the time via an eBulletin.

Mike Cope (Walk leader)


March 2
10:15 am - 5:00 pm GMT
Event Categories:


The Edward Thomas Fellowship
07920 193025
View Organiser Website


Bedales School
Church Rd, Steep,
Petersfield,GU32 2DGUnited Kingdom
+ Google Map