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Keep up-to date with the latest information surrounding The Edward Thomas Fellowship including, events news and membership.

Edward Thomas Literary Festival 2021 – Recordings

We are pleased to say that, where available, recordings from sessions delivered at the 2021 Edward Thomas Literary Festival are currently accessible on YouTube by following the link here.

Further sessions will be added to this link as they become available.

Access to the recordings are free. If you have enjoyed listening to them and feel you would like to make a donation towards the running costs of future Festivals you may do so via the PayPal button below. The theme for the 2022 Festival will be The Woodland Life, which is 125 years ‘young’ in October 2022.

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Edward Thomas Fellowship and the independent Petersfield Museum

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Edward Thomas Poetry Places

Added today (28 April 20121) under the section External References / Related Themes, Edward Thomas Poetry Places – is a website set up to identify the places that inspired the poems of Edward Thomas and encourage people to walk in his footsteps. Through his published and unpublished writings, including his field note books and letters, as well as other contemporary sources, and also walking the walks that he did, it is possible to locate or identify more closely the places which he drew on for many of his poems. The website will be updated regularly with new posts on the locations of individual poems and the walks that can be taken around each.… Continue Reading

2021 Annual Birthday Walk and Fellowship Annual General Meeting

The 2021 Birthday Walk, which would normally take place in March has been postponed due to the COVID pandemic.


The Edward Thomas Fellowship committee have agreed that the 2021 Walk, which would normally have taken place in March, will be cancelled and that a new date will not be proposed until restrictions start being lifted and the outlook for such events is clearer.
Members will shortly be receiving the February Newsletter, which will also include an AGM ‘pack’ with information about arrangements for this year’s AGM, which will be a ‘virtual’ meeting taking place on 21st March at 2.30 pm.
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The Edward Thomas Literary Festival


Petersfield Museum presents

In association with The Edward Thomas Fellowship

The Edward Thomas Literary Festival 2020 (Digital)

This three-day digital event (1st-3rd October) looks at the life and work of Edward Thomas. It will expand and explore not only his own literary work but how he has inspired others. His love of nature and his sense of place and belonging will also be studied.

Over 20 renowned poets, writers, and academics are taking part. They will include: Daljit Nagra, Kathryn Bevis, Matthew Hollis, the Friends of the Dymock Poets and the Robert Frost Society. New poets such as Jade Cuttle who has recently appeared on BBC’s ‘The Verb’ with Simon Armitage will also be appearing.… Continue Reading

The 2020 Birthday Walk has been CANCELLED

The annual Birthday Walk, which had been rearranged to take place on Sunday 4th October 2020 has been CANCELLED due to the COVID pandemic.

The Edward Thomas Fellowship committee have, after much deliberation and exploration of possible alternatives, reluctantly agreed that the ‘Rule of 6’ is the final straw and that the Walk scheduled for October 4th shall be cancelled.
With the safety of its members in mind, another Walk will not be rearranged now for this year so the next Walk will be the 2021 Birthday Walk which will be scheduled for Sunday 7 March (Covid permitting).
Members will, before the end of September 2020, be receiving a pack with information about alternative arrangements for this year’s delayed AGM, which had also been scheduled to take place on Sunday 4th October.
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eNews Note – June 2020

Hello Everyone and welcome to our latest E-Bulletin, which is issued in a situation that many, if not all, of us, could not have foreseen when the last one was sent on 19 March 2020.

In this note:

  • An update from the Chair
  • 2020 Birthday Walk
  • 2020 AGM
  • News from other Literary Societies
  • Autumn newsletter – call for content
  • Edward Thomas Study Centre – update – work starts again

If you would like this information directed to a different email address or update your subscribed credentials please click here.Continue Reading

Edward Thomas Study Day 2020 – POSTPONED

It is with great sadness that, in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic and government guidelines, the Edward Thomas Study Day scheduled for 13 June 2020 has been postponed.

We are working with the participants and hosts to re-schedule the day, with a programme as close to that proposed this year, for a similar date in June 2021.

Once further information is available it will be posted on this page and in a future edition of the newsletter.

I know many will be disappointed, however we are looking forward to bringing the Study Day to you in 2021, when the new Study Centre in Petersfield Museum will also be open.… Continue Reading