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External References

The Edward Thomas Fellowship has created an up-to date and reliable source of external references including related themes and figures who were associated to Edward Thomas.

Related Figures

Edward Thomas | Petersfield Museum

Edward Thomas is widely regarded as a major poet and his posthumous influence on English poetry has been considerable. He took much inspiration from the natural beauty of the South Downs countryside, especially around his home near Steep, Petersfield.

Friends of the Dymock Poets

Gloucestershire Poets, Writers and Artists Collection (University of Gloucestershire)

Richard Jefferies Society

Walter de la Mare Society

Arthur Ransome Society

The Frost Place
A museum and poetry centre at Robert Frost’s home in Franconia, New Hampshire, USA

AE Housman
(the Housman Society)

Wilfred Owen Association

Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship

Rupert Brooke Society

GK Chesterton
(the American Chesterton Society)

William Morris Society (UK)
Once, when asked what other writing man he would choose to have been, Edward Thomas answered “William Morris”.… Continue Reading

Related Themes


Edward Thomas Poetry Places
is a website set up to identify the places that inspired the poems of Edward Thomas and encourage people to walk in his footsteps. Through his published and unpublished writings, including his field note books and letters, as well as other contemporary sources, and also walking the walks that he did, it is possible to locate or identify more closely the places which he drew on for many of his poems. The website will be updated regularly with new posts on the locations of individual poems and the walks that can be taken around each.

Edward Thomas: Locations of Poems
Anthony Beggs is photographing places in Hampshire associated with Edward Thomas, especially those relating to particular poems.… Continue Reading