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Month: September 2020

The Edward Thomas Literary Festival


Petersfield Museum presents

In association with The Edward Thomas Fellowship

The Edward Thomas Literary Festival 2020 (Digital)

This three-day digital event (1st-3rd October) looks at the life and work of Edward Thomas. It will expand and explore not only his own literary work but how he has inspired others. His love of nature and his sense of place and belonging will also be studied.

Over 20 renowned poets, writers, and academics are taking part. They will include: Daljit Nagra, Kathryn Bevis, Matthew Hollis, the Friends of the Dymock Poets and the Robert Frost Society. New poets such as Jade Cuttle who has recently appeared on BBC’s ‘The Verb’ with Simon Armitage will also be appearing.… Continue Reading

The 2020 Birthday Walk has been CANCELLED

The annual Birthday Walk, which had been rearranged to take place on Sunday 4th October 2020 has been CANCELLED due to the COVID pandemic.

The Edward Thomas Fellowship committee have, after much deliberation and exploration of possible alternatives, reluctantly agreed that the ‘Rule of 6’ is the final straw and that the Walk scheduled for October 4th shall be cancelled.
With the safety of its members in mind, another Walk will not be rearranged now for this year so the next Walk will be the 2021 Birthday Walk which will be scheduled for Sunday 7 March (Covid permitting).
Members will, before the end of September 2020, be receiving a pack with information about alternative arrangements for this year’s delayed AGM, which had also been scheduled to take place on Sunday 4th October.
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E-Newsnote – Edward Thomas Literary Festival

There will be two Bulletins this month. This one brings exciting news about the inaugural, digital, Edward Thomas Literary Festival, and how you may book tickets to attend the sessions, and a second one will follow as soon as possible with final news about the delayed Birthday Walk and Fellowship AGM.



The Edward Thomas Literary Festival – Thursday 1 October to Saturday 3 October 2020

This inspirational three days of talks, walks, screenings, readings, discussion and debate can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home as Petersfield Museum and The Edward Thomas Fellowship bring you the inaugural Edward Thomas Literary Festival.

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