Last updated on 14th February 2021
The annual Birthday Walk, which had been rearranged to take place on Sunday 4th October 2020 has been CANCELLED due to the COVID pandemic.
The Edward Thomas Fellowship committee have, after much deliberation and exploration of possible alternatives, reluctantly agreed that the ‘Rule of 6’ is the final straw and that the Walk scheduled for October 4th shall be cancelled.
With the safety of its members in mind, another Walk will not be rearranged now for this year so the next Walk will be the 2021 Birthday Walk which will be scheduled for Sunday 7 March (Covid permitting).
Members will, before the end of September 2020, be receiving a pack with information about alternative arrangements for this year’s delayed AGM, which had also been scheduled to take place on Sunday 4th October.
If you are a member and do not currently receive information and updates by email it would greatly help the finances of the organisation if you would agree to do so. There is a link to the consent form here.
Thank you for your continued support of the Fellowship in its fortieth anniversary year – which has been a year like no other for so many of us.
Stay safe.
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